Rupy Kahlon is a university worker who lives in Walsall, UK. She openedher home to people fleeing violence, hostingvulnerable young adults as part of the YMCA'ssupported lodgings program. The program places young people with nowhere to live in households with spare rooms. Kahlonopened her homebecause she was once one herself.In the 1990's, Kahlon and her two infant children fled from an abusive relationship. "I can empathize when people come here with only a few bags of belongings because I've been there," she says. Kahlon, whoput herself through college and university while working nights at a chicken factory,now finds herself in a position to help others get on their feet. So far, she has hosted 15 young people, serving a bit like a surrogate family while also helping the young people learn life skills like cooking and managing a budget.

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