Neighborhoods around LA are seeing a new phenomenon, community clubs forming to combat trash in their communities. "We began simply to take some pride in our street and to make things nicer for everyone on the block," said Joshua Hallman, who said he started the Silverlake Trash Bandits late last year, picking up garbage with one of his friends FROM down the street. Others started similar groups out of a desire to form a deeper connection with their community. Some groups are forming partnerships with LA Sanitation, as a way to deal appropriately with the trash that is collected. `groups` picking up trash in areas with unhoused residents are careful to ask permission of the residents and only take away what the residents no longer want or need. "Folks living outside would like to have a place for their trash, but there's not a good system for that. All the people want it to be clean. The trash club is stepping in to some extent to provide that service," said Erin Fein, founder of another trash club in the LA area.

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