At the age of 96, Tom Cornish, a World War II veteran now living in senior living community following the passing of his wife, took up knitting hats during the coronavirus after his daughter gifted him a knitting hat kit. Tom had always felt compelled to serve others throughout his life and was now once again inspired to donate his time to knit hats and donate them to the Salvation Army because, "well, they need a lot of hats and you got to have donors for that." Since the early days of the coronavirus, Tom has knitted more than 400 hats and donated all of them to the Salvation Army. He averages about two hats a day and also has inspired and taught others in his senior community to take up knitting as well. Tom's story reminds us of the amazing acts of kindness that are transpiring in our elder communities and offers us a glimpse into the heart of a person who continues, even at the age of 96, to live a life in service of others.

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